Sahaja Yoga: An Experiential Treatise, translated by Saraswati Raman, goes live online

From poetry collection to children’s books, Author Reputation Press‘ library of published books continues to grow every day, both in number and variety. The latest addition to our online bookstore is Saraswati Raman’s translation of Sahaja Yoga: An Experiential Treatise, which was originally written in Marathi by VN Phadke.
The original book has been written by Phadke at the request of Shri Mataji Nimolo Devi. The book is based on the author’s own experiments with application of Sahaja Yoga for treatment of various ailments, to find intuitively solutions to some common problems faced by man and also to find the truth as to certain beliefs of his community for which the encouragement came from Shri Mataji Nimala Devi herself.
In 1970, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, known to her followers as Mataji and as the incarnation of the Shaktism Supreme Being Adi Shakti, founded the Sahaja Yoga movement. Its goal was to spread the practice of Self-Realization by awakening the Kundalini in an ordinary human and free a person from the claws of disillusionment.
This rare experience has been personally taken into account by Phadke in Sahaja Yoga. A gripping chronicle of how she attained Self-Realization through Kundalini awakening, Raman’s translation of the book speaks volumes about the widespread practice of Sahaja Yoga in modern India and the rest of the world.
To grab a copy of the book, head over to our bookstore by clicking this link. The book will be available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble over the next few weeks.