Sunday, November 10, 2024
Book News

ARPress brings Ray Findlay’s humor fiction “The Care and Feeding of Harry” to readers

Humor books always convey a positive character relationship to readers, thus letting them identify with a story’s protagonist, for example. Added to Author Reputation Press‘ library of published books is Ray Findlay’s The Care and Feeding of Harry, a humor fiction about Harry Flapper.

The book tells the story of the seemingly charmed life of the main character. From a moose goring a dune buggy to death and the local police’s fixation with the mysterious Flapper Gang to Harry’s winsome mother who daily faces the many challenges of keeping her husband Bull alive and in one piece and her family one step removed from another calamity.

And to that a whole lot of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and several other hapless and sometimes flirtatious creatures, and you have a perfect mix of mishaps and hilarity.

And then there’s Harry himself: only son, besotted with his ever-expanding bug and coin collections, naïve to the wiles of certain young ladies of his acquaintance and never far from his own misadventures. The Care and Feeding of Harry is a fun-filled tale of Forrest Gumpian proportions. Prepare to enter Harry’s world, where nothing is sacred and each story is full of wit and irreverence. And find out why he detests chocolate.

The Care and Feeding of Harry can now be purchased via ARPressonline bookstore and Barnes & Noble in paperback and digital versions. It is priced at $3.99 for the e-book and $12.99 for the softcover.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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