Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight: Howard O.A. Jones, author of the “Edafos” series

Howard O.A. Jones

Howard O.A. Jones started writing when he was still young, and it came only as a hobby before he fully seriously developed his skills.

He is the author of fantasy novel, Edafos: Divine Wind, published by Author Reputation Press. It’s one in a series of books including Edafos: March of the Nords, The Obsidian Wall, and Changquan.

The Edafos Saga tells the tale of Jorigsveer Great-Blade and his friends as they take on an adventure throughout the continent of Cardia. Together, they fight off many forces, including the godlike Divines and selfish Kings.

Howard grew up in the U.S. Virgin Islands, a place where the youth are highly valued. He considers writing as “an ever-developing art” and that there can be no master of this art form.

As part of his efforts to improve his writing skills, Howard experiments in all forms of fiction, including sci-fi, Asian fantasy, and even steampunk.

Edafos recently received critical acclaim from The US Review of Books and Howard himself got the chance to share his book with more American readers through This Week in America, a national radio program hosted by seasoned broadcaster Ric Bratton.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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