Monday, September 16, 2024
Author in Focus

Grace Ruto, author of “Restoration of the Damned”, on her literary influences and future book plans

Grace Ruto

Author Reputation Press proudly introduces Grace Ruto, author of Restoration of the Damned. Grace recently talked about her book, the inspiration behind her work of fiction, and her future plans.

ARPress: Can you mention some literary influences that help mold you as a writer?

Grace: I have always been facinated by the stories in mythology. Astrology and animals that have a powerful
symbolism in our modern day influences to better understand the way history of ancient times
has had an impact on our human nature. In particular, the fight between good and evil. In modern times,
it becomes a sub-conscious battle of choosing good. J.R.R. Tolkien who wrote Lord of the Rings,
has helped me to mold this story from a new perspective of conscious awakening of the human soul.

ARPress: How did you come up with the idea for this book?

Grace: Having studied mythology, and also chinese star signs, the idea of this book became a powerful
impression of how evil seeks to control the minds of mankind, good seeks to free the minds of
generations, to seek the goodness of the soul within us. Sorcerey, delves into enslaving and exerting supernatural powers amongst the weak, to assume dominion and immortality,through making a pact with evil.

ARPress: Are you working on a sequel?

Grace: I have already written a sequel to this book- entitled- RESTORATION OF THE DAMNED: RETURN OF THE DARK LORD- VOLUME 2, where the sorcerer, reincarnates once again through one of his devotees, and the dark Lord Balthazar is returned,after he meets his death in the first edition, and descends into hell-He returns determined to unleash the powers of hell into the world.

ARPress: Do you have any other books in progress?

Grace: Yes, there are other books in progress.

ARPress: What is your favorite line/part from your book?

Grace: My favourite part of the the book is when THE EYE OF ORUS Begins to speak, and the dark lord begins to lose his grip on the battle.

ARPress: Which character you like most from your work and why?

Grace: The return of the underworld warriors, the helkatica, uniting in battle.

ARPress: What is the greatest challenge for writing this book?

Grace: Being able to delve into the mind of the sorcerer, and how his quest for power.

ARPress: Please describe your writing process.

Grace: I had a brainstorm of ideas, which i then elaborated on, to come up with the chapters of the book, then the plot seemed to fall into place, to develop the final ending.

ARPress: Advice to young and aspiring authors.

Grace: Never stop writing, a brain storm of ideas could be the starting point of your greatest work. Writing takes time, as the story develops. Don’t give up half way.

ARPress: How was your journey with Author Reputation Press?

Grace: It was very encouraging, to see what they can do to bring my books alive into a book trailer, and the TV Industry.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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