Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book News

Carl Berryman’s “Divided We Fall” is a gripping novel on biological warfare, geopolitics, and history

Divided We Fall by Carl Berryman is now available to purchase via ARPress‘ online bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

It follows the story of Ethan Bradley, wanted by the government for his views on the Second Amendment. He has been commissioned to lead a brigade of infantry in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming.

Then, the Republic of Nation of Missouri gains independence. Though President Newkirk sought to avoid the Union splintering, that failed, and he is put on trial and imprisoned for attempted murder and treason.

Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and the Dakotas are threatening to separate from the Union. The Constitution has become inutile and America is now under the whims of the United Nations. Berryman’s dystopian fiction takes place in the not-too-distant future, with rumors of another civil war and World War III happened in 2013.

Guns have been confiscated by an ever-encroaching federal government, led by the socialist left and President Richard Newkirk, who ran on a “platform of internationalism.” Clashes between ethnicities, riots, and violence are on the rise.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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