Author Spotlight: Russell Baptist, author of “Adam And Steve: The Rules For Men Attracted To Other Men”

Russell Baptist, author of Adam And Steve: The Rules For Men Attracted To Other Men, is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University in New York City.
He is a licensed mental health professional with over 25 years of experience providing social service administrative management, training, and technical assistance to community based organizations throughout New York City, Atlanta, Los Angles and Washington D.C.
Mr. Baptist is the President and Founder of The A. and S. Consulting Services, a private practice that specializes in psychotherapy, court evaluations, supervision/coaching, and technical assistance. He is also a former senior director of programs at the Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS). Mr. Baptist was instrumental in CUCS’ pioneering work with special needs populations in supportive housing.
He also managed the development of an anti-poverty program for the Harlem/Washington Heights communities called Single Stop, USA, through sponsorship of the Robin Hood Foundation. Mr. Baptist was also the founding director of the George Brager Scholarship Program for college bound students who live in supportive housing.
In addition, he served on the Board of Directors for Gay Men of African Descent (GMAD) and is a former Board Chairman of Unity Fellowship Church NYC. Mr. Baptist also developed budgets, grant reporting/writings, and he trained social service staff throughout New York City, Atlanta, Los Angles and Washington D.C., focusing on People of Color, LGBTQ diversity, Culture & Ethnicity, Social Work Supervision, Mental Health, Homelessness, and Supportive Housing.
Mr. Baptist provided psychotherapy for youth in foster care. He also provided lectures at Stony Brook University in New York City and appeared on several local radio programs and television shows such as Good Day New York, Albany Update, Mark Walberg, Charles Perez, Rickie Lake and The Queen Latifa shows. He is also the former Board Chair of Unity Fellowship Church NYC and a member of the National Association of Social Workers.
Mr. Baptist earned his BA degree from Texas College and his MS degree in Social Work Practice from Columbia University. He is a “JFK Jr. Fellow/Mentor” and took higher education at Yeshiva University, University of Washington, DC, and Long Island University. His book offers an easy to read smart, sexy, and provocative road map about male same sex attraction along with Baptist’s findings that this is a real culture.