Friday, February 7, 2025
Author News

Giridhar Jaded discusses about stirring thoughts on People of Distinction with Al Cole

Giridhar Jaded’s poetry collection Let’s Stir Some Thoughts has been featured on People of Distinction with Al Cole from CBS Radio. In the interview, the author shares the inspiration behind writing the book and his literary influences.

The book reflects on the many omnipresent thoughts that every person goes through. It contains some of the poems he wrote in 2019, which he considers to be a year of revelations for Giridhar as it became evident that writing Poetry could be as omnipresent as breathing.

Giri was born in Dharwar, Karnataka in India, a place which he often believes contributes to his penchant for anything artistic. No wonder, since Dharwar is rich in literary history.

More importantly, Giri love for literature developed mainly through his mother who earned her master’s degree in Arts. He led a life of adherence until the age of 34 before realizing that the voices in his head were wanting an outlet ever so badly.

So much so that when the floodgates opened, Giridhar found it impossible to hold the words that had started a silent revolution inside until then and a book of poetry ensued in a mere 40 days.

Eli Scott

Eli Scott is our resident social media expert. He also writes about tips for authors to boost their presence online.

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