Monday, September 16, 2024
Book News

Carl Berryman’s “2025” receives Gold Seal of Excellence

Author Reputation Press‘ Gold Seal of Excellence serves as a rubber-stamp for a book’s qualification to our selection of books representing the the crème de la crème of the myriad of titles we publish. So far, a few books have earned that reputation, and Carl Berryman’s dystopian novel 2025.

The book tells the story of an attack plotted by China and Russia against the U.S. and Europe, launched from the International Space Station. The attack results in the annihilation of 95% of the urban and suburban U.S. population within 14 days.

The invaders destroyed all the strategic assets of their targets to thwart any attempt at retaliation. As a result the western cities have become jungles ruled for a short time by gangs that carve out their own turf. Everyone is seeking food and water to survive while the others go on about their plundering and raping.

As Toby Berry, a book critic from the US Review of Books, puts it, the novel “is well written and well organized”. It is for this reason that Berryman’s masterpiece deserves this rare recognition granted only to a select few. The Gold Seal testifies to the excellent quality of a book and sets it apart from the competition.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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