“Peculiar Affinity” by Dr. Gerald S. Nordé is an intriguing study on commodification of human beings during Southern slavery
Groundbreaking. Wonderful. Peculiar Affinity by Dr. Gerald S. Nordé is a creative and thorough research on slavery in the United States, to be published by Author Reputation Press.
The book tackles the discovery of the sexual and reproductive relations between the South’s slave owners and their female slaves during the second era of slavery in the United States. Dr. Nordé calls these relations as the peculiar affinity between slave owners and their female slaves. The result? Millions of children were born as commodities and as Negro slaves at the same time.
The book postulates that those American Colored and Negro children were procreated by the South’s White American slave owners who were breeding and selectively breeding themselves with their American Negro female slaves and American Colored girls. Those American children are now considered as “domestic” American commodities through peculiar affinity and its transformation to the nexus of sex and reproduction, together with the southern sex nexus. In other words, the southern sex nexus comprises the micro and macro levels of southern society.
This was the system of slavery in the South. During the same time those sexual and reproductive relations between the slave owners and their female slaves and girls existed, those White American slave owners were also having two and more sets of children, families, marriages, and cohabitations with their American White women, their American White concubines, their White American mistresses, and their White American wives. Consequently, all the White American slave owners’ children from their Negro American female slaves and American Colored girls and all of their children from their other White American women, White wives and White American girls have the same line of ancestry running through their veins.
Because of this phenomenon, the book calls for a re-interpretation of Black American history, in general, and of the U.S. history, in particular. The book will go live soon on our online bookstore.