Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Book News

“Heavens On Earth” by Dr. Michael Orji is an upcoming religious book that will bring you closer to God

Dr. Michael Orji will publish his book, Heavens On Earth, with Author Reputation Press soon.

The book talks about Christian fasting and its any different forms. Each type depends on what one wants to achieve. Here, Dr. Michael Orji writes quite a different kind that is unique in both styles and presentation.
He chose 40 days, the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ. By citing other examples of fasting, in the Old Testament of the Bible he proves that fasting is ancient and that the one by our Lord, Jesus Christ is typical.

He, therefore, makes a perfect use of that as the pattern for his book Heavens on Earth. Fasting is attached to prayer by bringing into his writing the title “Heaven on Earth,” he is highlighting the saying that meditation is a visit to God and makes it the primary object of fasting. This also goes to say that fasting is different from starving. A fasting that does not lift one up to God is not intended to bring God down is no real fasting.

Finally, he brings in the phrase, practicing His presence and this reminds me again of the Song, Your Presence is Heaven, so fasting, which is prayer in its advanced form means Heaven on Earth. The author recommends to individuals and families to make it a must in their homes. In the end, you will have gotten your own 40 well- written prayers on different topics.

Eli Scott

Eli Scott is our resident social media expert. He also writes about tips for authors to boost their presence online.

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