Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight: Dr. Michael Orji, author of “Heavens on Earth”

Dr. Michael Orji

Dr. Michael Orji, author of religious book Heavens on Earth, is the President of City of God Missions, Inc., a non-profit organization that aims to alleviate poverty and help restore human dignity to the poorest of the poor by helping them discover their God given talents and empowering them to use those talents to achieve their full human potential.

Dr. Orji holds a Law Degree and Doctorate Degree in Theology. He was the principal partner at Orji Law Firm, PLC, a private civil law firm with offices in Houston and Philadelphia.

Dr. Orji fought gallantly for justice and equal access to the legal system for immigrants and low income communities. In 2006, God used a devastating and unfortunate personal mishap to transform him in a spiritual power house and a Divine agent of progress. Following his ordination as a Minister in 2012, Orji was called into Prison Ministry where God used him mightily to transform the lives of many prisoners by introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them find meaning and life purpose.

Today, Dr. Orji is still doing just that as a Spiritual Counselor, a Leadership and Business Consultant, Author, Speaker and Community Organizer. He lives in Northern California with his wife, Joy and three teenage Children, Michael, Michelle and Lordsble.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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