Friday, January 17, 2025
Book News

“Tales Times Ten” by Eligah Boykin is a collection of short stories, coming soon on our online bookstore

Eligah Boykin will be publishing his book, Tales Times Ten, with Author Reputation Press. It’s a collection of ten short stories.

The book starts with the struggles of an up and coming young professional stage magician. We find him playing finders keepers as Mister Magic in Detroit.

Next, in a Twinkling of an Eye, we are a witness to one of those old time negotiations for a better life. After that, we visit a library of the future as a student requests The Doctor Clark Files in order to study the taboo deviant sexual behavior of members of the Twentieth Century. Then we are invited into the thought process of an architect doing a little puzzle to kill time in Holy Crossword Dorothy. This is followed by an examination of Tactile Understanding.

Better than halfway through we are invited to the Techtown Book Club. We barely close the book on this adventure when we are alerted to the din that comes from the Land of a Thousand Cries. Back to the future we go now when the screams die down for a further learned examination of the state of Sex Education. Thoroughly briefed, after this, on study materials and classroom requirements, we then go Solving For X in the here and now. Finally, with all this said and done, we get out the handcuffs and go for our guns as we are very firmly affixing our Spiritual Signature to this Tales Times Ten.

Nancy Atkinson

Nancy always keeps an eye for new book releases.

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