5 writing tips to keep your readers hooked to the story
Here’s something I’ve never told anyone before. Most books I’ve read, even by acclaimed authors, sometimes left me losing my interest in the story. As a result, I stopped reading them in the middle of the book.
Writing a story that keeps your readers interested is one of the struggles of an author, be it fiction or nonfiction. The challenge of creating an engaging book is, indeed, not something to be taken lightly.
Here are five tips that will keep your readers hooked to your story from front cover to end:
Provide concrete imagery of an otherwise abstract subject
Most authors will manage to squeeze lofty, flowery words into their manuscript. Sometimes, however, readers find it hard to picture out what is being described in a sentence or paragraph for lack of vivid description. You may write about a man who loves nature, but fail to give readers an emphatic reading experience. To avoid this gaffe, describe that man’s actions that demonstrate his love of nature.
Never mix your work with others’ ideas
While it may be true that authors need to read widely in order to be able to write, it does not mean your work must be a copy-paste of someone else’s. Reading others’ works can form some sort of reference. But choosing what to use as a reference can be hard. In the end, your book must be your own story.
Make readers believe in what you write
It doesn’t matter if you write fiction set in contemporary USA or a futuristic sci-fi set in another planet. Make your characters believable with real motivations and shortcomings. Create immersive settings and true-to-life tensions and conflicts.
Avoid dead language
Try not to use the definitive language when writing. What this means is that you should not divulge everything to readers. Leave some pieces of the story to anybody’s imagination.
Write to connect
The ultimate goal of writing is to connect with readers. Tell them what both you and your characters have in mind or experience. This can be done by pouring your own unique perspective and temperament into your work.