Friday, February 14, 2025
Author News

Rachel Carrington’s website is now live, featuring the author’s book and bio

Rachel Carrington is launching her website, where her book, The Early Years, is available to purchase. The site is inspired by the fall, with amber leaves on the trees in the background image and an overall auburn theme.

The website is the product of months-long of hard work between the author and ARPress. On its main navigation menu, readers will find quick links to Carrington’s brief biographical information and online stores where you can purchase her book. It’s up for grabs via our own online bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

There’s also a link to where you can contact the author via email. Scrolling down the home page, you will see the radio programs in the U.S. where the author has appeared, including America Tonight with Kate Delaney and People of Distinction with Benji Cole.

Carrington was born in a small southern town in Kentucky in 1930. The first-born of eleven children, she lays no claim to higher education or grand accomplishments except for a love-filled, multifaceted, family-oriented, poverty-to-plenty life. To know more about the author, you can visit her website here.

David Smith

David covers popular books, both fiction and non-fiction, and keeps digging for emerging titles to add to his library of must-reads.

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