Tips for writing magical realism
In magical realism, abnormal, magical things become part of the texture of routineness, mixed all through regular reality.
Writing magical pragmatist stories isn’t not normal for all experimental writing: New universes spring from the brain of the writer, and when very much delivered, are persuading or sufficiently convincing to ship the reader. Here are four hints for making that sort of story:
Recollect that magical realism is neither sci-fi nor dream. It tends to be enticing to mistake magical realism for the sci-fi or dream kinds, yet it’s about the isolating line: Science fiction and dream recount stories that are clear takeoffs from our own. In enchantment realism stories, that line gets foggy. Magical pragmatist stories are about the world as we probably am aware it—just inclined an ignite its pivot. Also, similarly as setting up guidelines for the reader is a significant advance in science fiction and dream worldbuilding, there are regularly none in magical realism. The weirdness simply is, and the characters in that world acknowledge it totally.
Pull motivation from dreams. The striking nonsensical settings and cooperations in dreams are an extraordinary spot to get thoughts regarding how to change the truth in your story. Was everything in your fantasy absolutely typical—then again, actually your canine had wings? Possibly you imagined that the sea could talk. Start a fantasy diary to monitor the magical subtleties that dance through your brain as you rest.
Watch out for the news. Truth, as the maxim goes, is regularly more unusual than fiction, and every day news things can be incredible confirmation. Expand on any features that grab your attention, and attempt to incorporate them into character credits or normal marvels.
View the world through a figurative focal point. Authors love to portray their general surroundings in idyllic terms—what might occur on the off chance that you took a most loved allegory and made it strict?