Understanding the role of juxtaposition in writing

Opposites are inclined toward one another, and that is once in a while more genuine than with regards to juxtaposition. This method of analyzing is normal to each form of imaginative articulation, from painting to poetry and speech to paper composing. At the point when authors juxtapose components in their content, readers appreciate the pressure and search for importance in uniqueness.
At the point when an author juxtaposes two components, they welcome the reader to think about, contrast, and consider the connection between those components all the more intently. Typically, they do as such considering one of these points:
To substance out a character by differentiating their characteristics against another character, or a foil
To investigate the subtleties of a quality or thought that a reader or audience may somehow miss
To draw a connection between apparently inconsequential thoughts or pictures
To make craziness or humor
To contend that one thought or component is superior to another