Friday, January 17, 2025
Author News

Henry M. Sobell unloads tons of interesting facts about the human DNA in this radio interview with Benji Cole from CBS Radio

Dr. Henry M. Sobell, a former professor at the University of Rochester and renowned for his major contribution to the study of the anticancer agent called actinomycin D, has been interviewed on People of Distinction with Benji Cole.

The author shares loads of interesting details about his two scientific books, Organization of DNA in Chromatin and Premeltons in DNA. First, he described what the book covers mean and then went on to discuss key takeaways from the books’ contents.

According to Dr. Sobell, a premelton is an entity that rises in DNA spontaneously before the actual strand separation of DNA, thus a melton follows. The author envisions two groups of people who may be interested in the books: people who work in the area of modern medicine and molecular biology with interest in the cure of cancer and how DNA works, and people who are interested to learn what molecular mycin is about.

The books are specifically geared toward the science community. You can listen to the full interview below:

David Smith

David covers popular books, both fiction and non-fiction, and keeps digging for emerging titles to add to his library of must-reads.

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