Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Charles Campise Highlights

Charles Campise shares his creative process for writing “Adventures Of A Rideshare Driver”

Author Charles Campise has had a memorable and sometimes bumpy ride in his chosen career, and he never failed to put this into his journal.

In the long run, this journal transformed into what would become Charle’s timely and relevant book, Adventures Of A Rideshare Driver.

Recalling his everyday routine in order to complete his book, the author has shared his creative process.

For many authors, the creative writing process is about just sitting in one corner and writing. Not thinking, just writing. When you are not aware of yourself, you begin drifting into thoughts you’ve never had before and start writing things you have never written before.

For Charles, the same thing is true. He would do so upon arriving at home. Then, he would go to the computer, recall a funny moment while he was driving from his recent shift, and give the event a title on the computer.

Early in the morning, he would rise and type out the full story over his first cup of coffee.

Jay Hogarth

Jay Hogarth is ARPress' resident content manager, responsible for all public-facing information posted on this blog and on the main site.

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