Dr. Enoch O. Antwi, author of “Servant Leaders – The Greatest Among Us from Research to Practice” reminds that genuine leadership means leading to serve and not to be served
Servant Leaders-The Greatest Among Us from Research to Practice by Dr. Enoch O. Antwi, an empowering book that addresses the unasked yet crucial questions for those who aspire to be leaders.
The world considers servanthood to be a gentler sort of leadership. Nonetheless, there is a lot more profound significance to it, which shows how it can capably spur individuals toward a common vision, accomplish critical outcomes, and conquer difficulty. Genuine servant leadership is anything but frail and subservient – it is bold, courageous, and inspires strong action.
Many want to be leaders, but few want to serve. Leading comes along with serving. Servant leadership silences the screams and shouts of pride, entitlement, and selfishness. Genuine leadership humbles the leaders and reminds them that true success in leadership is about pursuing unity, humility, and wisdom.
Servant leaders are the best among us. Their lowliness and instinctually functional nature make them ingenious, go-to people, companions, counselors, coaches, and the memory of homes, networks, associations, and nations. But the servants’ odyssey to leadership is peculiar. Why serve first, then lead? Because service is good work, hard work, noble work, and everyone’s work. Apparently, there is a difficulty in understanding the language of research and using it in leadership practice. This book fills that void. Servant leadership is not an attitude. Nor is it just established in confidence. It is a setting for explicit investigation of hypotheses established in positivism.
Servant leaders pursue to connect with people’s souls and listen in each discussion. If one aspires to be such a leader, then this book is perfect. The eventual fate of the next generational leadership could rely on this book. The direct association of servant leadership to vocation is the bountiful need for such forerunners in the scholarly community, charitable, police, military, governmental, religious organizations, and the corporate world.
The author of this book is an Award-winning Leadership and Management Professor and a former Business department chair, with over fifteen (15) years of exceptional experience in College Administration, Lecturing, Research, Leadership/Management Consulting, and State Board Testing Management.
The fifteen (15) chapters of this book address these topics and include well-researched book: Why Do We Need Servant Leaders? Can a servant lead? Understanding Theory in Servant Leadership Studies, Statistics in Theory – Don’t Be Intimidated, Snapshot of Prevailing Leadership Theories Besides Servant Leadership, Servant Leadership – The Foundation, Servant Leadership – Other Perspectives, Servant Leadership and Building Community, Servant Leadership and Values, Interviews: 10 Questions for 11 Leaders of 11 Different Organizations, Servant Leadership and the Religious Environment, Servant Leadership and Wisdom, Servant Leadership and Executive Coaching, Servant Leadership in the Boardroom, Servant Leadership and Ethics, Servant Leadership and Change, Steward Leadership and Servant Leadership, and Concluding Thoughts.
Servant leadership stresses the essence of accepting the role as a leader and empowering others to do the same. Through reading this book, readers will gain valuable servant leadership perspective and find again the reason why it begins to begin with. One then may fan the flame of your leadership and find renewed passion.