Friday, January 17, 2025
Author News

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews Das Satwinder Singh Vig about his profound book, “Moonlighting to Spirituality: A Vitamin Source for the Soul”

It goes unnoticed and frequently goes undiscovered, but just because we cannot see it does not mean it does not exist. Part of the divine plan is for us to mature spiritually. Our journeys through life can often feel like a winding, perilous path. Spiritual wisdom is the divine’s way of dealing with the ups and downs of life’s adventures.

The wilderness experience is a trying time when we face spiritual trials. We may not only transcend our wilderness experiences, but we can also make them shorter by how we respond to them.

In terms of spirituality, we all prefer peak experiences. However, it is in the spiritual valleys that we normally learn and grow, and our spiritual wisdom expands.

Moonlighting to Spirituality: A Vitamin Source for the Soul is a quick-read and one of the best spiritual books that covers a lot of ground. It begins with an introduction before moving on to chapters on “the mother earth,” the physical body, the human body’s link to the earth, and mediations. It examines the value of optimism and environmental balance, as well as the harm that people have caused and a few spiritualists. The author also examines the 1990s’ political, military, and economic history, as well as the United States’ selfish desires.

Das Satwinder Singh Vig shares with Benji Cole from CBS Radio the book’s purpose, which emphasizes the importance of working to save the planet while also underscoring the importance of balance, knowledge, positivity, love for the Earth, and love for one another. Furthermore, the goal of this endeavor is to encourage people from all walks of life to believe in themselves, regardless of caste, color, religion, or negative karmas, and to strive toward balancing their karmas in the future (good or bad). The book touches on a wide range of topics. Not to mention that a portion of the earnings will go to charity.

Listen to the full interview below: 

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