Friday, September 13, 2024
Book News

Angela White’s book, “God!!! Where were you?”, a resonating and uplifting narrative about how one may reclaim life even when everything else seems to be falling away, and it’s now available for purchase

Angela White has published her book, God!!! Where were you?, with Author Reputation Press. The book is a remarkable one that reminds readers who are suffering from all forms of sorrow and obstacles in life that they are not alone. That there is more to life than the present moment. Things and situations can be altered.

In our desert wanderings, we frequently ask ourselves, “How did I come here in the middle of nowhere?” “When will I be able to leave this place?” “Can anyone tell me how long this trip will take?” Grief, loss of hope, and rejection all play a part in portions of our lives that feel like the wilderness at times. On the other hand, God loves to come alongside with His great compassion and love during these moments.

Family life isn’t always flawless but say that to a five-year-old whose innocence was ripped from her. Her thoughts were full of silent cries as she learned to live alone. How do you let go of your resentment of your past? You’re burdened by a sense of guilt that you can’t change. With love – God’s love.

In this open and riveting memoir, God!!! Where were you?, Angela White takes a detailed glimpse at her life growing up in the terrible streets of Newark, NJ. She discusses the agony of being abandoned by her birth parents, which resulted in her and her siblings being placed in foster homes and orphanages when they were five years old. Angela remembers the horrifying experience of being assaulted by her foster parents, one of whom was the pastor of a local church at the time.

This brave, sincere, and humble book allows the reader to see Ms. White’s struggles with homelessness, rape, marital violence, drug misuse, and teenage pregnancy through her eyes. Ms. White overcame adversity after adversity in her life and is now living out her ambitions.

The book is now available for purchase via our bookstore,

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