Carl Berryman’s must-read book, “2025”

What about an excellent book to add to your home library? Getting a book to add to your list of books to read is one of the finest things in life. Definitely worth your time and effort. Reading a book is not just a way to nourish your head; it is also a form of “me time.” You’ve put in so much effort; you deserve a break and a gift. Get a copy of Carl Berryman’s must-read book, “2025”.
Consider an invisible force capable of wiping out any electrical gadget in its path, from phones and computers to major power infrastructure. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also known as an unforeseen electromagnetic disturbance, is a plausible hypothesis.
Although many scientists believe EMPs do not constitute a significant threat, some claim that these weapons might be used to create widespread disruption in electricity-dependent nations.
An electromagnetic pulse is an unforeseen burst of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, or gamma rays, created by a surge or acceleration of electrically charged particles, typically electrons. High-energy radiation can conflict with electrical device components, producing faults or complete failure.
An EMP is threatening because it emits massive waves of electromagnetic energy that can operate like a massive moving magnet. A changing magnetic field can shift electrons in a neighboring wire, causing a current to flow. An EMP can create destructive power spikes in any equipment within range due to such a large blast of energy.
Carl Berryman’s novel “2025” is about a surprise attack launched from the International Space Station that kills 95 percent of the urban and suburban population of the United States in two weeks due to starvation, violence, and radiation. As strategic assets are destroyed, there will be no time for retaliation. For a brief while, our cities will become jungles dominated by gangs carving out their territory in search of food, water, plunder, and rape.
An EMP attack will magnetize all internal combustion engines, causing planes to fall out of the sky and all exposed vehicles to crash owing to a loss of control. Survivors will hope for a return to normalcy in vain. China attacks the United States while Russia attacks Europe. This is a survival story.