An excerpt from a book written by Jean-Marie Nkusi, “The Healer”
Isn’t it relaxing to spend your time sipping your drink of choice and reading a good book? There is a lot going on in today’s world. Things happen so quickly that we hardly notice them. Why don’t we give a little time, a little rest, a little date with ourselves, as much as we are willing to contribute time and energy to our work and relationships? After all, taking such a break is unquestionably helpful; we get to rest and learn.
“The Healer” is about when Jean-Marie Nkusi was just twelve years old. He was living in a refugee camp in Burundi when he got malaria and went into a coma. He had a miraculous, transformative religious experience while he lay on the hospital bed, surrounded by his family, who were reciting the Rosary. He perceived his body rising towards Heaven, where he encountered Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. They informed him that although he had been restored, he still had to come back to earth to spread the special message of God’s love.
Here’s an excerpt from the book:
“As I was copping with my life in the normal way on earth again, I lived like any other children of my age, a simple and happy life. I read the holy Bible and prayed to God every day. My family tradition was very religious. We had to pray together every morning and every night before we go to bed. I made mistakes like everybody else, but my hope was in Jesus Christ for whom I turn to in time of distresses. Anytime I would call Him, and He was always there to answer my call. Jesus Christ is my Helper. Mother Mary is always there for me as well. They always come to visit me and provide me of anything that I asked them to give to me. Glory be to God our Father who is in Heaven.”