Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book News

The US Review of Books (USRB) commended Corinne McCoy’s “My Heavenly Father’s Heart” because the work “incorporates a variety of scriptures…, and many readers may use these as guideposts to form a daily routine of spiritual reflection”

Corinne McCoy’s “My Heavenly Father’s Heart” is highly commended by Nicole Yurcaba of the US Review of Books, who acknowledges that “the collection concludes with poems such as “Land of Harmony,” which takes readers into a peaceful realm where “the leopard and the kid / Shall run together / And a little child shall lead them.”

The Californian ranch was the place of Corinne McCoy’s birth and upbringing. Horses and beef cattle were present. They also raised several hay crops. Her father taught her how to train horses, and she has showcased them a few times. 

She now owns a small property where she rides horses for fun. She also works on a horse ranch as a ranch hand. Her daughter has successfully competed in 4-H sheep and horse shows. She was raised in a Christian household, and when she was still relatively young, she embraced Christianity. After going through some difficult experiences, she came to have greater faith in God. Regardless of what happens in her life, God is always there for her.

In “My Heavenly Father’s Heart”, readers discover poems celebrating God’s creations and reflecting on Christ’s birth, life, and death. They also encounter personal, intimate conversations about faith and daily living. Poems like “God’s Creation” shows how all things in creation sing praises to their creator: “Over and around rocks and corners / The waters sing and dance, praising God.” Other poems like “He Will Not Fail You” center the collection and remind readers to “Turn to the Father, / At His feet, leave all your cares.” The poem “My Father’s Mountains” takes on an Emerson-like tone and reminds readers of the importance of seeking solace and quiet in their busy, hectic everyday lives.

Here’s an excerpt from the US Review of Books that highlights:

This graceful poetry collection offers much-needed light during dark and tumultuous times that challenge readers’ lives and their faith. A positive outlook permeates the book, and readers leave its pages comforted by a sense of peace. The author’s personal notes throughout the collection provide a deeper meaning to the work by inviting readers into McCoy’s personal life. This, too, acts as an important bridge that grants readers access to the poems. The book incorporates a variety of scriptures throughout its pages, and many readers may use these as guideposts to form a daily routine of spiritual reflection. This collection is a good fit for poetry lovers wanting to return to more traditional forms. And for those seeking to brighten their reading lists with more positive works, McCoy’s book is a must.”

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