Friday, February 14, 2025
Author News

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews Kristin Abello, the author of “Sunrise: Life after Traumatic Brain Injury”

Kristin Abello, the author of this poignant and life-changing book, “Sunrise: Life after Traumatic Brain Injury”, is interviewed by CBS Radio’s Benji Cole. Listen to the interview and gain meaningful insight and learn about the book’s message.

Sunrises are one of the most beautiful things in life. The rising sun reminds people of many things. It may remind you of a fresh start, a new beginning, and the fact that YOU CAN BEGIN AGAIN. 

The author, Kristin Abello, has worked both at Halliburton and Texas Children’s Hospital as an exercise specialist. She also serves on the board of The Institute of Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) and advocates for patients with neurological and brain trauma. 

Moreover, she is the founder of “Two-Step with TIRR” and “Go Western” and a philanthropist. The author engages in running, walking, and yoga and enjoys the outdoors. She loves to travel and is always up for an adventure. She and her husband, Raul, have two sons, Jacob and Colin, and live in Houston, Texas, with their Golden Retrievers, Max and Lucy.

In 2002, while on a training run in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Raul, in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon, author Kristin Abello was struck by a car. As a result, she sustained a traumatic brain injury and other physical traumas. The initial consensus was that she wasn’t going to survive. 

In “Sunrise: Life after Traumatic Brain Injury”, the author tells her story of faith, love, hope, and healing from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). While it is a love story, it is also the true story of her survival. She and Raul were a young couple in love when the catastrophic car accident nearly pulled them apart. Abello tells how the support and prayers of her husband, family, and friends formed the basis of her miraculous recovery.

Listen to the full interview below:

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