Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Featured Books

Thanksgiving 2022: Make It Count

Have you ever tried to look back and count all the blessings you received this year? Are you grateful that you received those? Make your blessings count.

Happiness comes when you are grateful, and you are grateful when you share. Make your blessings count even though Thanksgiving has already passed. Be thankful for what you have and for who you are. There are many things in life for which we should be grateful, including blessings for which we prayed, wishes for which we made, and things for which we did not ask. Life is like a book; it has ups and downs, and there are things we should recognize and appreciate.

Thanksgiving is a federal holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2022 took place on Thursday, November 24. The Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag celebrated a fall harvest feast in 1621, which is regarded as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. Individual colonies and states have observed days of gratitude for over two centuries. President Abraham Lincoln did not designate a national Thanksgiving Day until 1863, in the thick of the Civil War.

A book is a material that possesses knowledge and ideas that can make a person grow, realize, or learn from them. It is a blessing that has been shared by an experienced person to share his or her struggles, journey, happiness, and other points that were turned into words. And in celebration of Thanksgiving, here is a list of books that a book lover will surely love and be grateful to read at any time of the year:

According to Katrina Mayer, an author, “Thanksgiving isn’t just a day. It’s a way we can live our lives every day. Just like books that you can read in any season, gratitude is an attitude not just for a day but for every day.”

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