Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“Caring for Parents and Other Loved Ones: A Guide for the 21st Century” by Wilson Simmons III is now available for purchase

“IF YOU WANT your loved ones to avoid diseases and ailments that plague most people as they age, then you must consider what they put into their body. The same holds true for you. What will the thing you consume do once it is inside you? What does a cigarette do to you? How about that nice piece of fried chicken; will it enhance your digestive system or clog it?”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Caring for Parents and Other Loved Ones: A Guide for the 21st Century” by Wilson Simmons III. This masterpiece will empower senior citizens and their caregivers by bringing a bright light, as well as viable solutions, to a condition in our society that has been cast into a dark corner. The book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

Healthcare for seniors in the United States is encumbered by bureaucracy, apathetic policymakers, a corrupt Medicare/Medicaid system, and hospital conglomerates designed almost exclusively for profit. To date, these systems and our government are doing a poor job of serving the very people who built this country: hardworking people who believed their twilight years would mean lying in a hammock sipping cold lemonade. Instead, they are finding themselves treated with disrespect and, in many cases, tied down to beds or wheelchairs and treated with disdain.

Many of our senior citizens feel as if they have been cast aside like yesterday’s trash. Can it be that the very system to which we have been paying our share of Social Security and taxes is now earmarking those hard-earned funds for war and, worse, for bailing out the rich, good ol’ boys on Wall Street, most of whom will never have to worry about healthcare or a place to live?

In our Western society, where aging, illness, the process of dying, and death itself are, in general, related to a denial mentality, a book like “Caring for Parents and Other Loved Ones: A Guide for the 21st Century” is vital to our life education.

Mr. Simmons addresses many vital issues, such as shifts in physical prowess, senior driving skills, discerning mental skills, and holistic approaches to the countless details of caring for an elderly, ill, or dying loved one.

And with the utmost respect and love, he includes the spiritual aspects of this intimate and profound journey that awaits us all.

“Caring for Parents and Other Loved Ones: A Guide for the 21st Century” by Wilson Simmons III is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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