Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“The Paths of My Life” by Martin L. Dornan Sr. is now available for purchase

“…He won all the pennies I had, and I whined, “You’re not going to take all my pennies, are you?” He gave me back my pennies, but at the same time, he told me something I never forgot, to this day. He said, “If you can’t afford to lose, you shouldn’t gamble.” The memory of that saying is always in my mind, and I can always think of a better way to spend my money than to waste it away on gambling.”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “The Paths of My Life” by Martin L. Dornan Sr. The title was chosen by the author because he believes God guided him on His path. There are times he followed the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and other times he went and did what he pleased, justifying his actions one way or another. The book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website. 

Author Martin Dornan was born at Mercy Hospital on the south side of Chicago. His parents sent him and his older siblings to Church, never attending themselves, except that his mom started attending in her late 60s. 

He attended Chicago’s Ashland Christian Church in his younger years, taking a break from Church during his teen years and attending sporadically until late in his nine-year military career, where his older brother introduced him to Mr. Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God. He remained a member of this church for over 30 years, most of that during extreme legalism, and through that time it underwent a major doctrinal change to Christ-centered worship. 

He’s now been a member of Mesa First Church of the Nazarene for two years. Pastor Ira Brown and the congregation are very warm and loving. It’s Martin’s second home. His two favorite hymns are, “Oh, How I Love Jesus” and “To God be the Glory”.

He presently lives in Mesa, Arizona, and his daily goal is to live according to God’s will and follow His path.

“The Paths of My Life” presents an inspiring story of the author when he was either on God’s path for his life or his own (path), learning different lessons on each. Of course, he has learned that God’s path is clearly the better of the two. He is the person he is today because of the path he chose to follow at any particular time. He will also add here that, whichever path he may have been on, each and every event in his life had a purpose. God’s path for him has not always been easier, but it has resulted in him being blessed much more as a result of following His guidance. 

“The Paths of My Life” by Martin L. Dornan Sr. is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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