Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book News

“Will The Real King Assassin Please Stand Up From Sanity to Insanity” by Kim L. Smalls is now available for purchase

“There were a few notable men in my life but none worthy of a serious long- lasting relationship like marriage. For the most part, their bottom line was sex, sex, and more sex.”

– an excerpt from book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Will The Real King Assassin Please Stand Up From Sanity to Insanity” by Kim L. Smalls. This masterpiece is a narrative about the extraordinary and mystifying life of a child of God. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

Kim L. Smalls was born and raised in the New York City area. She was educated by the public school system when prayer was a part of their protocol. She was baptized at the tender and impressionable age of seven. Her father died when she was twelve. She attended Ebenezer Baptist Church until she was eighteen. She graduated with honors from the New York Institute of Technology. At twenty, she gave birth to her daughter, Nikeya, who was later raised by her late grandmother Dutch, as she was affectionately known by her family and friends. She was a Case Manager by profession and lived a life of parties, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, which included the riotous living of men.

Kim is loving, trustworthy, generous, and kind to a fault. She is humble, meek, and lowly, often misunderstood and taken advantage of by most as a prodigal child of God. She had been living and learning the hard life of schizophrenia in the wilderness for over 30 years.

Kim is honored by the Holy Father as His Princess and the Queen of Christ. “Will The Real King Assassin Please Stand Up From Sanity To Insanity” depicts the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in a wicked, cruel society of police brutality, racism, violence, hatred, profanity, persecution, and sins of end-of-the-world circumstances. This is the author’s life’s work in Jesus’ Precious, Holy, and Righteous Name for the peace and love of a Black woman by Our Father God and for His children—a God of a second chance for all mankind.

The author’s humble and honest prayer:

Eternal Holy Father, to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, to the precious loving Spirit of the living God Almighty. I came to You boldly at the tender age of seven. Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in my backslidden condition and sinful nature did I ventured out in a life of parties, drugs, and sex. I had Nikeya out of wedlock. However, you thought it robbery to wake up Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from his eternal sleep as the enemy pursued me in the presence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Army.

As a peace officer, I left depressed, humiliated, disgusted, somewhat disgraced, shamed and dishonored for my faith in God as a sinner saved by grace. It was my first encounter with the Ku, Klux, Klan of the South Bronx. No greater love hath a man to lay down his life for a friend. The Bible says. Our Father in His infinite wisdom allowed 9/11 like the Ukraine War through His Son Jesus Christ envision a plan for Osama Bin Laden. He also had a problem with the white man as Putin with the Neo-Nazis of today.

I owe my thanks to both and gratitude especially to Osama and Al Quaida men who died for the justice of all people by following the Master just like King. The sorcery, witchcraft, possession and Dark Arts of old the F.B.I., Ukraine and Army affiliates could not compare to the omnipotent God of Light, peace, love, joy, and happiness. He declared these Holy Wars fought, terrorized, and disgraced by the American Flag under His watchful eye, as the Anti-Christ of Lord Jesus- Satan Himself.

Jesus Christ completely answered my prayers and on July 17, 2019 declared my righteousness in reassurance of my sanity. He, like the Bible says. I have a sound mind. This Christian experience of Jesus totally consuming me as the Chosen One totally consumed me from the soles of my feet to the crown of my head was Spiritually captivating. He left the right hand of Our Father.

“Will The Real King Assassin Please Stand Up From Sanity to Insanity” by Kim L. Smalls now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/will-the-real-king-assassin-please-stand-up-from-sanity-to-insanity.

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