The Los Angeles Festival of Books (LATFOB) 2023 held a successful book signing event with author Dr. Colm McAindriu

Dr. Colm McAindriu, the author of “Man of the House“, in partnership with Author Reputation Press (ARP), participated in the Book Signing Event of the 2023 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB) at the University of Southern California. This is a memoir that chronicles the inspiring story of the author.
The Los Angeles Times held its much-awaited annual Festival of Books on April 22–23, 2023. Hundreds of exhibitors and nearly 500 authors attended the festival. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books was started with the goal of bringing together authors and readers. The event features books of many genres, making it suitable for participants of all ages. Witness musical performances, readings from authors, exciting exhibits, and much more! This festival is truly a dream haven for bookworms.
The Los Angeles Times is the country’s biggest metropolitan daily newspaper, with more than 40 million unique visitors monthly, a Sunday print readership of 1.6 million, and a combined print and online local weekly viewership of 4.4 million. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 140 years.
ARP took part in this year’s literary festival as part of its commitment to showcasing a variety of genres to readers. This book signing event allows readers and authors to interact with each other. This is an opportunity for readers to meet and have their books signed by the author. The attendance of some of our wonderful authors for a book signing added to the excitement of the occasion! Bookmarks, merchandise, and other freebies were also given away during the event.
Dr. Colm McAindriu went into the military and later obtained two doctorates after leaving for Chicago in 1963. In his research, he is passionately focused on self-realization as a life purpose.
He is currently working on his third Ph.D. His hobbies include scenic drives to the mountains and beaches, reading, and meditation. He holds a special interest in self-realization research, study, and writing.
Between the years of 1944 and 1963, Dr. Colm McAindriu was just a kid, a Black kid living in the Jim Crow Mississippi Delta. His story brings to light what living day and night under the threat of death looks like for a Black kid in this era. Should he look at the white girl, or dream of her and tell someone or be caught doing so?
His mother forced him to help her raise her remaining 12 children and demanded that he kill his prized pig to feed her family. McAindriu’s childhood was rife with small moments of joy and learning, coupled with working in cottonfields, pain both physical and emotional, and being the “Man of the House”.
Visit the Author Reputation Press official social media accounts for more updates about the author and the LATFOB 2023.