“Jesus Is There: Discovering Jesus at Work in the Old Testament” by Carl B. Dodrill, Ph.D., was displayed at the 2023 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB) – Book Gallery
“Jesus Is There: Discovering Jesus at Work in the Old Testament” by Carl B. Dodrill, Ph.D., was among the books displayed by Author Reputation Press during the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023 at the University of Southern California on April 22-23, 2023.
The much-anticipated annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023 was held on April 22–23, 2023. It was attended by nearly 500 authors and hundreds of exhibitors. The festival was launched to connect individuals who read books with those who write them. The range of book genres exhibited at the festival captivated readers of all ages. Witness musical performances, readings from authors, exciting exhibits, and much more!
The Los Angeles Times is the country’s biggest metropolitan daily newspaper, with more than 40 million unique latimes.com visitors monthly, a Sunday print readership of 1.6 million, and a combined print and online local weekly viewership of 4.4 million. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 140 years.
Author Reputation Press is committed to connecting readers and authors through books. ARP participated in the book gallery organized by LATFOB. In line with this, ARP exhibited some of its spectacular books to the festival audience. The wide selection of genres made the gallery more enticing.
Carl B. Dodrill, Ph.D., received his B.A. in psychology from Westmont College in 1965 and his Ph.D. from Purdue University in clinical psychology in 1970. After teaching at Westmont and becoming Chair of the Psychology Department, he spent more than 30 years on the faculty of the University of Washington, where he is now Professor Emeritus. He has taught the Bible for more than 40 years to college students and adults, frequently with an emphasis on Old Testament studies.
What was Jesus doing at the time, over the many decades of Old Testament history? If Jesus only had close contact with people after His birth in Bethlehem, where was He throughout the hundreds of years that the Jewish people lived? suffered, struggled, and needed guidance and support? Is it reasonable to suppose that if He truly cares about humanity, He was not interested in human history at the time?
Using a fresh and little-explored empirically-based approach and resources, including the Septuagint, three keys are found in the New Testament that reliably distinguish the person and work of Christ from those of God the Father. Guidelines for the use of the keys are established, and these guidelines are then applied to 25 selected passages in the Old Testament where the divine is definitely at work. When this is done, the results clearly show that “Jesus Is There: Discovering Jesus at Work in the Old Testament” and doing far more with people than most of us ever thought. You are invited to examine these in-depth studies with the prospect that you may arrive at a truly broadened understanding of Jesus Christ.
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