Friday, February 14, 2025
Book News

A professional book trailer for “Waiting for Elijah: A Walk Through Time” by Sheila Wood is now available

Author Reputation Press is delighted to announce the release of the professional book trailer for “Waiting for Elijah: A Walk Through Time” by Sheila Wood. This is a historical mystery fiction narrative presenting the story of the Friedman family’s emigration to the United States from Germany in 1933.

Sheila Wood is a retired scientist who now spends her time writing and studying metaphysics. Her first novel brings together a host of revelatory issues that pertain to energy across generations. She is primarily interested in the threads that connect families, and her studies in epigenetics support themes that traverse geography and time. The manifestation of genetic memory and the transfer of talents through DNA are also of interest to her. She continues to try to retire in North Carolina with her cat Sasha, where her own family threads remain.

She is also an Intuitive Healing Coach. As a medium and Akashic Records Reader, she provides a path for reconciliation of emotions around ancestral and past-life events that may be casting a shadow during this incarnation. Although any issue may be addressed, modules have been developed around such issues as self-esteem and phobias.

Her gifts as a seer and lightworker may help others choose their best course during their time on Earth. As an author, her stories reflect her capability to understand the soul journey within people’s lives and uncover the energetic threads that connect all beings.

“Waiting for Elijah: A Walk Through Time” by Sheila Wood started as Phoebe attended the funeral of her grandfather in 2005. Directly after his passing, an antique dealer was murdered after handling a piece of the family’s heirloom ceramics.

For the following four years, Phoebe explores the murder and her family’s European ties. She follows the Friedman ‘family company’ over four generations, two continents, five Western European countries, and an important World War. She discovers that throughout this time, Friedman’s Freedom Fighters were implanted in various foreign cities, trading products for lives.

Phoebe’s growth as a person and as a participant in the family company has her securely ensconced in her grandfather’s house, raising another generation of Friedmans as time continues to produce and cycle her family’s heritage.

Watch the video trailer below:

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