“An Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Life” by Rev. Philip N. Peterman is now available for purchase

“I personally was very shy and soft-spoken. I was very surprised one day when one of my youth leaders said to me, “Phil, I believe that the Lord may call you to a full-time Christian service.” My reaction was immediate.”
– an excerpt from the book
Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “An Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Life” by Rev. Philip N. Peterman. This masterpiece is written by the author to give testimony about the blessings that the Lord has given him through all of these years. This is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.
This masterpiece is the autobiography of an inspiring pastor. According to him, the inspiration for why he wrote this was:
“First, because it suddenly came to me that maybe the Lord wanted me to do so. I have been blessed to be a born-again believer in Jesus since I was eight years old and a Baptist pastor since 1962. I want to give testimony about the blessings that the Lord has given me through all of these years.
Secondly and mainly, I write because our young Russian lady organist told me that I should write a book about my life. Why? I should write because of who I am and what I believe has been so very spiritually helpful to her. She believes that such an endeavor could be very helpful to many other people.
Thirdly, the day after Elvira spoke to me, I saw an ad on TV that I had never seen before. The ad was from Christian Faith Publishing to encourage Christian people to consider writing a book.
Fourthly, I was speaking on the phone to my good friend, Joseph, a Haitian pastor who had moved to Florida. I told him what Elvira had said and about the TV advertisement. Pastor Joe said, “Don’t you remember that several years ago I had suggested that you write an autobiography?”
Rev. Philip Peterman began his spiritual life when he was a very shy eight-year-old. Now he is over eighty years old and is still an active pastor. In retrospect, he is amazed and very grateful for having been and still continuing to be so very blessed by the Lord God of heaven.
“An Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Life” presents how the Lord of Heaven has been the author’s guide and helper throughout his life and ministry. He considers himself an ordinary human being but believes that God has continually guided his life in very wonderful and extraordinary ways.
“An Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Life” by Rev. Philip N. Peterman is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/an-ordinary-yet-extraordinary-life.