Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

An intermediate book trailer for “Biblical and Non-Biblical Evidences For The Book of Mormon: That Show Its Validity As Scripture: A Layman’s Thesis” by Joseph Dean DeBarthe is now available

Author Reputation Press is honored to announce the release of the intermediate book trailer for “Biblical and Non-Biblical Evidences For The Book of Mormon: That Show Its Validity As Scripture: A Layman’s Thesis” by Joseph Dean Debarthe.

Joseph Dean DeBarthe is a fourth-generation member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Community of Christ. He has a bachelor’s degree in business management and computer Information Systems from Central State University, Warrensburg, Mo. Mr. DeBarthe served in the U.S. Navy for eight years and nine months and worked as a civilian member of the military for twenty-three years.

He has already visited the following countries: Germany, Holland, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Italy, and Czechoslovakia. While in the Navy, he visited Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Guam, and the North Pole. He also visited many Central American countries, including Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. He currently lives in Independence, Missouri, with his wife, Maria, who is a Registered Nurse of Mayan descent.

Biblical and Non-Biblical Evidences For The Book of Mormon: That Show Its Validity As Scripture: A Layman’s Thesis” by Joseph Dean DeBarthe was written under the direction of the Holy Spirit and written to the entire body of Christ. Some might ask why they should read it. Some will read it to try to refute it; others will read it to learn: and still others will use it to further their own agendas. However, you should read it and pray over it, asking God through His Holy Spirit to give you a witness as to its validity.

Many people believe that Joseph Smith, Jr., “wrote” the Book of Mormon, making the book controversial. Hence, many people do not accept it as scripture. They also believe that the Bible is the only scripture ever written, but nowhere does the Bible make that claim. In fact, the Bible testifies to the existence of other written scriptures, specifically a second scripture written about the tribe of Joseph (Ezekiel 37:19).

The Book of Mormon was clearly written by highly educated men with a strong background in Hebrew customs and writing techniques, none of which were known to any American in the 1800s.

Grab a copy of the book to get more information on this subject.

This book was displayed during the much-anticipated annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023, held on April 22–23, 2023 at the University of Southern California. It was attended by nearly 500 authors and hundreds of exhibitors. The festival was launched to connect individuals who read books with those who write them. The range of book genres exhibited at the festival captivated readers of all ages.

Joseph Dean DeBarthe was interviewed by Kate Delaney of America Tonight. It is a prestigious radio show that is broadcast of numerous stations in the US and has over 2.9 million listeners. Kate Delaney is an award-winning national media personality who has interviewed over 16,000 people in her twenty-year radio and television career. She won a Television Emmy for her special report on the AIDS pandemic in New Mexico, as well as multiple Golden Mics for a series on immigration.

Watch the video trailer here:

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