Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions” by Gary LaCarrubba is now available for purchase

“Totally absurd—yet, completely undisputed

Contradiction of terms; not to be doubted

Both ends of the spectrum represented

Not to mention, in between those ends

Lord! How complex; this thing called a paradox.”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions” by Gary LaCarrubba. This masterpiece is a collection of introspective pieces that range from classic yet never overdone themes to a few that could be wrestled with regarding interpretation and meaning. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

The author, Gary LaCarrubba, a loving family man and an avid seeker of truth, developed a profound interest in the theory of creationism and the evolution of humanity. A Roman Catholic by birth, Gary sought out the nuances learned through his faith and correlated those to various historical recordings that were available through a variety of sources that he discovered throughout his life.

During his pursuit of this endeavor, Gary became more convinced that many of the so-called mysteries of faith, although probably well-intentioned in their time in most cases, appeared genuinely and purposefully misleading in what they suggested of a benevolent God.

Accepting Christ as his only mentor and pursuing those teachings as they filtered down through the ages, Gary sought to unravel those instances of curiosity left behind by that mentor. References such as “Let he who reads understand” were challenges that appeared to be provoking the reader to a deeper consciousness of the soul and the effects that our heritage places burdens on that very soul.

These works are the product of those years of fulfilling that curiosity. As a loving parent, Gary could not and would not accept that the being responsible for the creation of humanity only sought to do so to lead that creation to its demise, as repeatedly suggested through the various books written on this topic throughout the annals of time.

These works are this author’s perceptions of a mindset that recognizes God, the Most High, as a benevolent and caring parent. Just as Jesus Christ taught us throughout the few, short years that this world was graced by His presence.

“Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions” will take on different meanings at different points in time. Many of the key themes have multiple messages. This is also the case in many interpretations of vocabulary. Everyone has an individual perception of what truth is. These works are representative of this writer’s understanding of that entity.

It is the author’s hope that this collection will inspire the realization within each reader that the true wisdom in life is one’s ability to believe in oneself. Thus, will it become possible to accept responsibility for our own actions? Once this end is accomplished, we can, each in our own right, make beneficial changes. Many have had this same dream since the dawn of time. It is this writer’s most ardent hope that this work will find acceptance within the hearts of each reader.

A further hope is that these perceptions will serve as inspiration for each person to establish a positive sense of self and a more cohesive view of the people around them. Try to set gender aside in these works. Wherever possible, substitute people and situations within your own life and the lives of the loved ones around you.

“Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions” by Gary LaCarrubba is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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