Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“Deepening the Mystery: A Guided Journal through Mystagogia” by Blessie La Scola is now available for purchase

“What words of New Life will, or did I offer today?”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Deepening the Mystery: A Guided Journal through Mystagogia” by Blessie La Scola. This journal is provided to serve you through the final period of the initiation process called Mystagogia. This period is for one year (52 weeks) following initiation. Its purpose is for all initiated to reflect, pray, discern, and discover the depth of Christ’s love for them and a way to respond in service to Christ and his church. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

The author, Blessie La Scola, entered full communion with the Roman Catholic Church in 1976. She and her husband, Ernie, have two adult children and have been married for over 50 years.

She has served as Master Catechist for the Diocese of San Jose for more than 40 years. Since 1978, she has been active in the areas of catechesis, sacramental preparation, and faith formation through the process of Christian Initiation. For 22 years, she served adults, youth, and children in the RCIA process. She continues to serve on the Catechumenate Committee for the Diocese of San Jose, California.

She has also written an award-winning series called Children of the Light, published by World Library Publications, GIA Publications, and RCIA, and You: Experiences and Ideas for the Process, found at Liturgy Training Publications.

“Deepening the Mystery: A Guided Journal through Mystagogia” is a religious and spiritual Journal for personal use. It is primarily for those who have had an encounter with the Presence of God in their lives. We are not always able to define or describe to others our heartfelt encounters, so this journal offers a way for us to write about or enter into deep thought about those aspects of our spiritual encounters.

The intention of this journal is to help each person who celebrates an encounter with God’s presence be courageous enough to not only recognize for themselves how much they are loved but to then be faith-filled enough to spread the Good News to others they meet through actions and words in the Love of God for all.

“Deepening the Mystery: A Guided Journal through Mystagogia” by Blessie La Scola is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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