Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“Evergreen Pines: Book of Religious Poetry” by Miriam DeSheers-Ives is now available for purchase

I am sitting here all by myself

Wondering why I am here

The answer that came to me

Makes my heart skip with joy”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation proudly announces the release of “Evergreen Pines: Book of Religious Poetry” by Miriam DeSheers-Ives. This poetry collection introduces a fresh and bright perspective in the readers’ minds. This is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ARP website, and other leading online bookstores.

Miriam DeSheers had to figure out her own way to serve God as a child growing up in a Christian family with six siblings, apart from the noise of her other siblings and the constant sounds of the sea from which she couldn’t escape.

They were constantly reminded to worship Jesus Christ and to worship only the genuine and living God. They were reminded of the three men with their gifts while attending Sunday school one Sunday. The skills of those who worked on them grew, but one talent was lost because he hid it.

Miriam questioned whether or not she has any talent, and her teachers said, “Seek and you shall find.” That statement put her on a journey to see if she has any talent, and if she has, she will not hide it, and her search led her to write inspirational verses. The thought went to the back of her mind until she awoke from her dream, thinking and wondering how to worship God in her own way.

God then taught Miriam that worshipping and glorifying Him can be done in words, phrase, or poetry. She then embarked on a journey, making her goal to help others with inspired words so they will and can know the greatness of God.

“Evergreen Pines: Book of Religious Poetry” by Miriam DeSheers-Ives contains poems praising the Lord through the uplifting words of the author. The author praises the Lord for giving her the inspiration to write this masterpiece. This book’s poems cover a wide range of themes, including forgiveness, healing, and guidance, among others.

A perfect book, especially for readers with wandering thoughts and shattered souls. The words in these poems mend the wounded and shattered souls of the readers by worshiping the Lord. May readers seek comfort and healing in these poems.

“Evergreen Pines: Book of Religious Poetry” by Miriam DeSheers-Ives is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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