Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“God-Moses-Me: Conversations With God” by Stephen Schey is now available for purchase

“All earthly events and observations were thought to be a result of the actions of the gods. In our experience with scientific discovery involving very complex details of the nature of the universe, it is hard to place ourselves in the time of Moses where understanding was much more simplified. It is important to note that the place for science in the daily lives of people in that age was of little importance. Answering questions related to “how” events occur was much less important than questions related to “why.” Astronomy is the study of celestial objects (sun, stars, planets, etc.) outside the earth’s atmosphere.”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “God-Moses-Me: Conversations With God” by Stephen Schey. This masterpiece is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

The author, Stephen Schey, grew up in a Christian home but didn’t come to a personal faith until well into adulthood. He had been blessed to work in many different secular occupations, and while he has never served as a pastor in a local church, he has been directly involved in serving as administrator for two large churches and leading or attending Bible studies and groups. 

He claims no new revelations in this work but affirms the Bible as the authority and the Word of God as the source of wisdom and understanding. For those who dare to truly seek answers to life’s difficult questions, they can be found. Steve currently resides in Wickenburg, Arizona, with his wife, Ellen, and is blessed with three children, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

“The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend” (Exod. 33:11). In the book of Exodus, God provides instructions in the Ten Commandments, sacrifices, the building of the Tabernacle, and many other topics. In these conversations, God is giving Moses direction. Moses spent forty years in the wilderness speaking with God. 

Apart from the directives, what might these friendly conversations be? Perhaps they were of a nature similar to those questions and discussions we might have with a friend about our faith. In the years I’ve spent reading the Bible and in communion with others, many friends have asked me questions, and I’ve asked God many questions as well, such as, “If God were so loving, why does he allow so much suffering in the world?” or “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Rather than search scripture to seek answers, many dismiss the faith.

Indeed, we are told that Scripture holds the answers to many of our questions, but there is no index in the Bible where we can look up our questions. Rather, it is in the study and knowledge of God gained from daily reading and meditation that we can truly find answers.

“God-Moses-Me: Conversations With God” is intended to serve several purposes. The first is to illustrate that the Bible is truly the source for answers to our questions and to show how it can be used. Secondly, many Christians have little knowledge of the Old Testament, so taking the questions from the viewpoint of Moses exposes us to life at that time but also illustrates the many rich traditions and meanings referenced in the New Testament. Third, Moses is a pillar of faith and worthy of study on his own because he was a unique and blessed person.

“God-Moses-Me: Conversations With God” by Stephen Schey is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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