“HoneyBee TreeHouse” by Nina M. Kelly is preparing to hit the big screen by releasing its Hollywod Movie Treatment

A three-act summary of this excellent book has been published in preparation for its movie adaptation. Movie Treatment is one of the first steps in writing a screenplay, and it aims to provide a summary of your work’s screenplay idea and give you the Hollywood style of fame that only a few authors have experienced.
Nina M. Kelly is a mythologist with a focus on Jungian psychology. She is a storyteller, novelist, humanitarian, and culture and arts activist.
Nina M. Kelly was also an Executive Producer of the first episode of the docuseries In Case You Didn’t Know, with Nick Nanton. The premiere episode featured an in-depth interview with Larry King and was entitled Larry King: The Voice of a Generation. Additionally, she was an Executive Producer on the documentary A New Leash on Life: The K9s for Warriors Story. She also served as an executive producer on the short film, Dandelion.
She is also an Archetypal Pattern Analyst and a Dream Pattern Analyst. Nina’s sense of adventure has always been sparked through learning about people and Pattern Analyst. Nina’s sense of adventure has always been sparked by learning about people and their cultures. She believes that if you understand the cultures, stories, myths, and rituals of others, you can more readily open your world to greater compassion.
Nina M. Kelly’s “HoneyBee TreeHouse” tells the narrative of Abby, who is looking forward to spending her summer in the countryside with her grandmother, Anne. Abby’s grandparents are currently having a hard time facing the dwindling honeybee population—their primary source of income.
While Abby and her friend, Jenny, sit in the treehouse, they witness Mr. Baxter’s field being sprayed with pesticides. Due to the windy conditions, the chemicals drifted farther than intended. This observation allows Abby to connect the dots between pesticide usage and the dying bees.
She organizes “The Bee Friend Club,” together with her friends, to learn more about bees and raise awareness about their value and the immediate risks they encounter. Abby’s perception of bees buzzing around her grandmother’s garden improves once she learns that bees play an important part in pollination.
A movie script coverage was also released for the book’s qualification for a Hollywood movie adaptation. The screenplay is the common ground on which producers, directors, actors, and production teams working on the movie will collaborate from start to finish and serves as a roadmap for them in terms of what will be seen on the big screen. The production of the movie script coverage is to prepare for the screenplay to be produced.