Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“My Ancestor’s Path Is My Future Journey” by Stephanie Colligan-Ishola is now available for purchase

“Knowledge is power, and we must follow the teachings of our ancestors and great leaders that have died for us to be free of mental bondage. The truth and the way is written in the stars!”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “My Ancestor’s Path Is My Future Journey” by Stephanie Colligan-Ishola. This masterpiece is intended for the restoration of the soul in all the essence of life. People must continue to believe in a higher calling to obtain inner peace with harmonious love for creation and all inhabitants in our society. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

The author, Stephanie Colligan-Ishola (tribal name, AnajatJaguar, meaning salvation), is a native of Lafayette, Louisiana, and a Panther Band Tribal Council Member of the Atakapa Ishak Nation, S. E. Texas, and S. W. Louisiana.

She participates annually in speaking engagements at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Native American women’s panel discussions during Native American Culture Day, and local schools in Texas and Louisiana.

She has a master’s in clinical mental health and is a sexual assault advocate with the Attorney General’s Office in the State of Texas. Stephanie is an international registered mental health facilitator, CASA Guardian Ad-Litem, and Certified Crisis Instructor. Her humanitarian and advocacy work began 30 years ago and continues to this day. Her passion for researching and collaborating with local officials, organizations, stakeholders, and community members to empower those in need can be seen through her various activities promoting social change among marginalized communities.

Stephannie Colligan-Ishola’s journey began in the footsteps of her ancestors. In fact, the historical timeline started in the region of Africa: Cameroon, Congo, Benin, Mali, Nigeria/Ivory Coast, and Ghana.

Trace regions of Senegal, Southeastern Bantu, South Central Hunters-Gathers, North Africa, Asia, South Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, Scandinavia, Ireland, and Europe West and East until they migrated to the shores of the North American continent, encompassing the entire lands of the Americas.

“My Ancestor’s Path Is My Future Journey” is intended to tell the story, both in words and pictures, by enabling the audience to envision the journey and ancestor’s path unfolding through the author’s very own eyes, supported by genealogy, research, interviews, and her dream visions. 

Take a journey with the author and them down the path to spiritual freedom. This was rehearsed and written for seventeen years by the little girl Anajat, a jaguar who was gifted with a keen sight like the beautiful but noble and loyal jaguar, the author’s spirit animal. 

“My Ancestor’s Path Is My Future Journey” by Stephanie Colligan-Ishola is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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