Sunday, February 9, 2025
Author News

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviewed Lisa Michelle Middleton, author of “A Poet’s Diary”

Lisa Michelle Middleton, author of “A Poet’s Diary,” shared what inspired her to write her beautiful poems in an interview with Benji Cole of CBS Radio. They also talk about the poet’s inspiration for writing these masterpieces. These poems are dedicated to young souls struggling to find hope and to old souls ready to reminisce.

People of Distinction is one of the most extensive and wide-ranging radio shows in the United States. Hosted by Benji Cole and Al Cole from CBS Radio, People of Distinction is the right fit for authors who want to increase their exposure to readers. The radio program airs on Apple’s iTunes Radio Network (Professional News/Talk), featuring CBS Radio, Fox News, NPR, and C-Span.

Lisa spent her early adulthood traveling between the Philippines, Hawaii, and Texas, where, despite her academic competence, terrible circumstances prevented her from attending college right after high school. 

This compilation highlights her trials and successes throughout these turbulent times. She now lives in central California.

“A Poet’s Diary” by Lisa Michelle Middleton runs the gamut of human emotions, exposing the tenderness and naivety of youth, the infatuation and dismay of immature love, and the early realizations of finding your place in this world.

For Lisa, a diary is always meant for writing poems. Often set in worlds of hellscape, meadow, or ocean, her first collection bathes the reader in darkness, sunlight, and moonlight.

Readers will find themselves lost aboard a sinking ship, on a train barreling through mountain snow, or clinging to a towering cliff.

“A Poet’s Diary” is presented in nine books of different themes. The poems are composed in such a way that readers can connect with the feelings expressed in them. As they read the poems, may readers unclothe the heartwarming words written by the author and seek comfort.

Listen to the full interview here:

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