“Señorita Manhattan: Miss Manhattan (Spanish Edition) by Biman Roy is now available for purchase
“Los superhéroes nacen en Nueva York
debido a los rascacielos y los rieles
elevados, ya que su imaginación se eleva por lo alto.
o eso me han dicho algunos eruditos introvertidos,
la mayoría de ellos con padres inmigrantes.
Busque una aspiración
fosforescente de altura
– an excerpt from the book
Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Señorita Manhattan: Miss Manhattan (Spanish Edition) by Biman Roy. The book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.
The author, Biman Roy, has several published works that have been nominated for the Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. He is a psychiatrist by profession and works as a consultant at a New York hospital. He lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He is the author of one chapbook of prose poems, Of Moon and Washing Machine, and two other poetry chapbooks, Dinosaur Hour and Navigating the Quartz Forest.
Get to know him more by visiting the author’s website, where readers can read his biography and his other published books can be purchased. Link: https://roybiman.com/.
Señorita Manhattan realmente captura la riqueza de la diversidad y la simultaneidad de la vida que sucede en Nueva York. El texto es rico, tambaleante y estratificado, pero nunca caótico como las sensaciones de personas, automóviles, pájaros, flores y todas las formas de vida de la ciudad que caen en cascada alrededor de la atención del orador (y del lector). Esta colección única muestra inteligentemente la resonancia inherente de la vida en la ciudad, en un lugar hermoso, alegre y, a veces, desenfrenado, pero siempre con un sentido de vida y fuerza creativa, no destrucción o entropía. Estos poemas viven en el cuerpo individual, incluso cuando describen una experiencia externa y colectiva.
(Miss Manhattan truly captures the richness of diversity and the simultaneity of life happening in New York. The text is rich, tumbling, and layered, yet never chaotic as the sensations of people, cars, birds, flowers, and all forms of city life cascading around the speaker’s (and reader’s) attention. This unique collection cleverly displays the inherent resonance of life in the city, in a beautiful, joyful, and sometimes riotous, but always with a sense of life and creative force, not destruction or entropy. These poems live in the individual body, even as they describe an external and collective experience.)
“Señorita Manhattan: Miss Manhattan (Spanish Edition) by Biman Roy is now available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Se%C3%B1orita-Manhattan-Miss-Spanish/dp/B0CJCWXKHC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=30VAUU3TJOZUX&keywords=9798888536919&qid=1695844670&sprefix=9798888536919%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1.