Friday, January 17, 2025
Book News

 ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE: “The Pie, The Pie, and Oh That Smell!” by Connie Smith

One of the best things in the life of a parent is to raise kind and loving children. The world of today offers a different, more often ungrateful generation, sharing a sense of entitlement.

A lot of us think that we deserve more and that life owes us beautiful and great things, yet we often forget how unappreciative we are of the little things we have and what’s left in our lives. Most of us are “wanters” and “needers,” but not “keepers.” We want and need things, but the moment we get enough of them, we tend to forget their importance. We fail to have an attitude of gratitude.

“The Pie, The Pie, and Oh That Smell!” by Connie Smith is a children’s picture book that teaches children the importance of showing their appreciation for the wonderful things their parents do every day—and the fun of pitching in and helping out!

Images in the book of the happy family working together to not just make food but also clean up the inevitable mess that follows can make even the hard work look like fun. Children may also want to read the story multiple times to appreciate the upbeat attitude and good message, but also to find a hidden chicken in every illustration.

This book, with its large illustrations, colorful characters, and warm, inviting tone, not only shows kids how parents need and deserve gratitude for their efforts but also opens up the conversation about children pitching in on tasks that they may take an interest in when they are old enough to handle them.

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