Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Author Spotlight

David Arieti and Jacob Nieva talk about their informative book: “Prognosis Disaster: How Climate Change and Disease Will Ruin Your Life UNLESS? (Second Edition)”

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David Arieti, MSwent to the University of Denver for his BA degree in Science Area Major. He earned his MS degree in Marine Science from Long Island University. He has been involved in environmental issues for almost forty years. He wrote his first book, entitled The Earth is My Patient, in 2005.

He also began teaching environmental science and biology as an adjunct professor at various colleges in Maryland and Illinois. He has been the recipient of three best teacher-of-the-year awards at three different colleges. In 1996, he won at Columbia College; in 2002, he won at Oakton College; and in 2005, he won at Daley College; all three colleges are in the Chicago vicinity.

Jacob O. Nieva, M.D. is a medical doctor who specializes in internal medicine in the Philippines. He graduated from the University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, in 1980. He took five years of residency training in internal medicine at the Rizal Medical Center in Pasig, Metro Manila, after which he practiced for 18 years before coming to the United States. He has been an adjunct professor at Oakton College, Des Plaines, Illinois, teaching human anatomy and physiology since 2004.

Climate change presents a fundamental threat to human health. It affects the physical environment as well as all aspects of both natural and human systems – including social and economic conditions and the functioning of health systems. 

The authors David Arieti and Jacob O. Nieva, M.D., wrote the book “Prognosis: Disaster: How Climate Change and Disease Will Ruin Your Life UNLESS (Second Edition)” to emphasize the ignorance and highlight the negligence of the human race when it comes to environmental and political concerns that have life-and-death implications.

“Prognosis: Disaster: How Climate Change and Disease Will Ruin Your Life UNLESS (Second Edition)” is a book about human-induced environmental change and disease. Climate change, global warming, and deforestation threaten human, animal, and plant populations with diseases more virulent than previously known. It will be a useful reference in disease and environmental science and a call to action.

This book tackles the consequences of humankind’s path toward extinction and suggests solutions that involve terminating the use of fossil fuels, controlling overpopulation, investing in solar power, and discovering a more effective economic system.

Watch David Arieti and Jacob Nieva discuss their book:


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