Thursday, February 6, 2025
Book News

“Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” by Dr. Shelley McIntosh is now available for purchase

AR Press is honored to publish “Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” by Dr. Shelley McIntosh. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARPress website. The story is a reflective work that delves into her journey as an educator and a Black Christian nationalist. The memoir reveals insights into communalism, the significance of human connections, and the author’s dedication to transforming societal conditions for African Americans. Ultimately, it serves as a guiding light for readers in navigating a complex world through solidarity and shared responsibility.

Dr. Shelley McIntosh holds a doctoral degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Houston. Her studies and research focus on the social, spiritual, and academic development of Black children; the spiritual voices of teachers; effective literacy instruction for African Americans; and biblical history.

She held positions in higher education, public school administration, and regional educational service agencies. She is the founder, chief education officer, and chief executive officer of Child Focused Consulting Company, LLC, which provides instructors for reading intervention and science instruction. Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation is her fifth book.

She is also the author of Genesis II: The Re-Creation of Black People, Mtoto House: Vision to Victory-Raising African American Children Communally, A Principal’s Tale: Life in 31 Days, and A Principal’s Tale: A Self-Determined Leader. Her focus is leadership and literacy. She holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Education, and doctoral degrees in curriculum and instruction and is certified in teaching and school administration. Shelley lives in Michigan, where her daughter, son, and grandsons reside.

She has served as a bishop, cardinal, national youth director, professor of urban education, English Language Arts coach, teacher, and principal.

“The quest for collective freedom and power is a divine seed planted in each of us.”

These days are filled with social unrest. Lack of compassion from elected officials, police brutality, unjust laws that create poverty through minimal wages but soaring profits for capitalists, benign neglect of blighted neighborhoods, and crime within the cities and in governments create a landscape of oppression that directly diminishes the quality of life, especially for African Americans. What is the role of the Black Church and Black Christians in light of these realities? Just to save souls is not enough!

“Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” is a poignant personal story of the author’s thirty-year experience of being a Black Christian Nationalist. The theological framework, program, and organization re-establishing the Black church’s relevancy to the liberation struggle are eloquently and informatively interwoven in…

  • The DNA Research about the Race of Jesus
  • The powerful leadership of Reverend Albert B. Cleage Jr., Founder of the Shrines of the Black Madonna
  • The Transformation of Black People
  • The Seeds of Liberation—Answers for the Black Church
  • Practices That Create Freedom, Power, and a More Humane World

The memoir titled “Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” offers a guiding light to a dark and murky world of uncertainty. It is a reflection on Dr. McIntosh’s life’s work and the integral role that interdependence and human connection play in thriving as a community.

In this memoir, Dr. McIntosh emphasizes the idea that we are all interconnected, regardless of race, creed, or religion. She asserts that the human connection is basic and essential for developing a society where everyone can thrive. The memoir also touches on the communalism ideology, arguing that true communalism represents the highest nature of humanity, where individuals willingly help and support one another.

Dr. McIntosh reflects on the impact of historical narratives on the Black community, particularly regarding the representation of Jesus Christ and the intentional psychological tools used to maintain slavery. This commentary highlights her desire to reclaim a more accurate and empowering understanding of identity within her community.

The memoir concludes with a call for individuals to recognize their contributions to society and the importance of communal efforts in fostering societal change. Dr. McIntosh shares her hopes for a better future, stressing that poverty and homelessness do not have to prevail and can be addressed through collective action.

Overall, Dr. Shelley McIntosh’s “Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” is an inspiring and profound work that sheds light on crucial issues affecting African American communities while promoting themes of hope, unity, and empowerment.

“Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” by Dr. Shelley McIntosh is now available for purchase via ARPress Bookstore:

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