Author Spotlight: Robert Ian Rollwagen, a statistician and the author of “Organ Orgasms”
Robert Ian Rollwagen, author of Organ Orgasms: My Experiences with Conscious Blood Flow, is a statistician by profession.
He has been providing advisory services to medical professionals regarding their research works for the last decade. He holds a bachelor’s degree and master of science degree in statistics.
He was a statistician at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba until 1978. He also worked in Regina, where he managed and developed computer information systems.
He later moved to Ottawa in 1983 to begin his management consulting career. After starting his own company in 1987, helping people and organizations be more effective, he later ventured into other types of consulting.
In 2006, he began working on his book after it occurred to him that he had yet to find his real purpose. Since then, he wound down his consulting works, with support from his family. He was raised in Winnipeg.
Robert married his high school sweetheart, Colleen, and they are still happily together. She has provided both excellent editing advice and proofing. They have two married sons and three grandchildren.