Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Book News

“Just Passing Through” by H. Peter Zell is a riveting read on a family’s journey in post-WWII anti-Semitism culture and its pursuit for the American Dream

H. Peter Zell has published a new edition of his memoir, Just Passing Through: A German American Family Saga, which follows his tough relationships with his siblings, all half-brothers and half-sisters, as they pursue the American Dream.

The book spans several generations of the author’s family that went through the hardships of the two world wars. The story began after World War II ended when Peter Zell was only eight years old.

In his prologue entitled A German – American Childhood, Zell recalls his his childhood horrors including the time when his hometown of Stuttgart was bombed by the western Allies. The author also ruminates on the postwar occupation of Germany and his family’s emigration to America. This emigration was prompted by the rising anti-Semitism sentiments in Germany at the time, although his mother stayed behind to look after her ailing father. Eventually, Zell’s parents decided to divorce.

Grab a copy of the book today and glimpse through the family’s journey in an anti-Semitism era and its pursuit for greener pastures in America. Just Passing Through: A German American Family Saga is available to purchase from today via our online bookstore.

Nancy Atkinson

Nancy always keeps an eye for new book releases.

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