“Mobile Tales: Short Stories for Positive Change” by Karen LaMantia is a collection of riveting short stories, now available to purchase
Karen LaMantia has published her book Mobile Tales: Short Stories for Positive Change.
The book is a compilation of short stories about characters you met in The Gods Played Here and in real life who are doing their part to restore our planet.
A peek at a couple of the book’s 23 short stories:
I Hear Music tells the story of a young man’s quest for his heart’s desire, which rescues him and the rest of us as the final step in putting an end to war.
Changing Places is a documentary about how people share their best tales in order to transform their world.
The Puzzle Box is a freeing narrative about Ed escaping from jail and never returning.
The Great American Review, starring Cherry Hill prostitutes and their Madame, is currently on tour.
Plus, 19 more stories about our planet’s healing methods that appear to be fiction but are happening right now.
You can now grab a copy through our online bookstore.