Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Author News

Tootsie Barron’s book, “Sugar Paper,” is the subject of an interview with Kate Delaney, an Emmy-award winning journalist

Tootsie Barron, the author of Sugar Paper, talks to Kate Delaney about her novel, which highlights the prowess of an unthinkable piece written by a woman, letting readers experience mixed emotions and embark on a profound life excursion. 

 Kate Delaney is an Emmy-award-winning journalist. Delaney’s radio show reaches a diverse audience of listeners from all walks of life, allowing the author’s book to reach millions of people across the country.

Delaney is an accomplished radio host and motivational speaker. Every week, she hosts “America Tonight” and two nationally syndicated radio shows, NBC Sports Radio Network’s “The Kate Delaney Show” and a ForbesBooks feature program spotlighting outstanding business executives.

The interview’s star is Sugar Paper. Tootsie Barron, the author of this book, wishes everyone, “As always, I wish you all that Heaven allows.” Sugar Paper is not for the faint of heart, as it is graphically demanding and can be quite vulgar at times. The godfather offers Kiki a significant present at the end of the book. Uncle then honors a lifelong promise by telling her what she has a right to know, namely that nothing in her life has ever happened by coincidence. He discloses the true identities of each of the eight important people, as none of them are who she believed they were, and ties up all the loose ends.

After finishing this book, readers will be left with one question: how did a woman ever write this novel in the first place? That is a question that only Kiki knows the answer to. Readers should buckle up because the ride is about to get bumpy.

Listen to the full interview below:

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