Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Author News

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews Carol Suchecki, the author of “My Dream with Grandpa,” a book that speaks the language that everyone may understand – love

CBS Radio got the opportunity to interview the kind and wonderful author of the book, My Dream with Grandpa, Carol Suchecki. The author shares her thoughts about her book with Benji Cole.

Carol Suchecki was a Montessori teacher for twenty-five years. She taught children of mixed stages in one room. She was closed to the parents and children since the same set of pupils had been under her care for more or less three years. She has dealt with different circumstances that her parents shared with her, like grieving caused by the death of a loved one. As a teacher, she received a lot of questions from parents and children, asking her if she knew what to do in a moment when a child was in grief.

Grief is difficult to comprehend and convey. It’s as though melancholy and loneliness are mixed with worry about what the future holds and apprehension about how one would cope. Grief is real, and it is painful. It’s not something you can ignore, bury under the responsibilities of everyday life, or wish away. It’s something you’ll have to work through. Rest assured that you will be able to overcome your sadness. You don’t have to do it by yourself. Grief is terrible for adults, so imagine how difficult it is for children.

Is it better to “GET OVER IT” or “GET THROUGH IT” when dealing with grief? Sorrow isn’t something to be ashamed of. We were never promised that the life we’ve been given would be without hardship or suffering. But it’s vital that, when we’re grieving the most, we ask ourselves, “How do we respond to grief?”

My Dream with Grandpa provides a unique perspective that readers may not have encountered in previous children’s books. It answers the following questions, which appear simple yet are difficult to answer: What is a funeral? Why is everyone so sad? And more importantly, will we ever see our loved ones again? It is written from the perspective and experience of a four-year-old child. “Will we ever see Grandpa again?” is a question that can only be answered in a dream. Any religion or point of view can interpret this event as a practical response to the question.

Listen to the full interview below:

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